Sunday, September 6, 2009

Daily Journaling for Monday 7th of September 2009

Balance and Boundaries

S - "After he had dismissed them, he went up into the hills by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone"
Matthew 14:23

O - Jesus had just spent a full day with large crowd healing the sick. This was immediately after he had heard the news that John the Baptist had been beheaded. There had been no time to grieve. No time to process anything. No time for reflection or for restoration. It seems like now Jesus needed time for himself. He was tired. He also knew when to serve and when to rest. He "dismissed" them, even if perhaps there was more to do. But Jesus seems to know his boundaries. He knew what he needed for refreshment. He went up into the hills (nature seems to always refresh) by himself to pray. These words are so important. After being immersed with people he needed restorative time with his Father on his own. He was also there for some time as evening came and he was still there alone. What a wonderful example to me as to how to keep serving people - even when it seems so full and busy! There is the need for balance and boundaries in solitude, prayer and nature.

A - On my day off I need to be ruthless in ensuring it is not fulled with busyness and people, but with a balance of solitude, rest and nature. This has always restored me, and if Jesus' models this, I must take notice and follow.

P - Dear Jesus, please help me to be more ruthless in balancing my time and providing that boundary of space for extended communion with you insolitude I pray. Amen

Daily Reading - Matthew 14-15


  1. Faith Enough to Come

    S - "Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." "Come," he said. Matthew 14:28-29

    O - Peter had seen Jesus walking on the water. Perhaps he was frightened and or in shock; perhaps it was like on the mountain of transfiguration and he didn't know what to say. Never the less, he says, "if it's really you Lord tell me to come." It really was Jesus, and because it really was him, Peter could really come. If Jesus said so, if Jesus agreed, if Peter believed, he in Christ's power could also walk on water.

    A - Jesus is Lord. He controls, has power over, can perform miracles over the very laws of nature. But even more incredible for me is that I can find Christ's power and strength too by faith. If I ask Jesus to do the impossible, to work a miracle, for his glory, in my life, in our church, he just might do it, if I have the faith.

    P - Lord, when I see you working, may I have faith to believe that there's nothing you can't do if I ask with faith. Help me not to assume limits, but to be a man of faith. Amen.

  2. Matthew 14:30 But when he (Peter- while walking on water) saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out "Lord- save me!" IMMEDIATELY Jesus reached out His hand and caught him.
    I know that even in the midst of God doing incredible and magnificent things in and around me- I can still doubt. I can still fear man, or how bad circumstances can get. Jesus "immediately" reached out to Peter when he asked for help- even though Peters' eyes were on the winds and fear was gripping him! Father I do believe in You. I do believe You- You are my every need upon this earth, but I know my faith is not yet perfect. I do have times of doubt- Lord, help me with my unbelief, and let me know not just in my head- but have revelation in my inmost being- there is NO pit too deep that You can not pull me out of. In times of doubt and in times of joy- may You be first and foremost on my thoughts- when I need to ask for help and when I can do nothing but praise Your Holy name for the mighty, restoring God You are! I love You Lord

    Matthew 14: People brought all the sick to him. 14:36 and begged him to let the sick just touch the edge of his cloak, and all who touched him were healed.
    O. Jesus must have been filled with sorrow after hearing John the Baptist had been beheaded. Jesus only had a short time where he withdrew to pray with the Father regarding John. John would have been restored in the spirit in wholeness with the Father.
    Jesus still had such compassion on the sick and healed them all. All they (the sick) had to do was touch the hem of his garment. Not only the woman with the bleeding condition that we saw in Matt 9:22. Jesus not only healed the crowds, but fed them a well. His compassion to all the crowds was wonderful.
    A. We too need to dwell in Jesus and have that same level of compassion with everyone we come in contact with, the saved and the unsaved. We have to release the healing power of Jesus to the lost and needy.
    P. Help me Lord to do your will - to hear your voice to reach the lost. Help me to lead others to touch the hem of your garment and be healed. Thank you Lord. Amen
