Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fearless by Max Lucado

Fear can overwhelm us!

It has paralysed me on many occasions.

The fear of being insignificant, disappointing God or facing death, can overwhelm us. With the presence of violence, uncertainty and a world that constantly warns us of the worst case scenarios, fear will be always waiting for us to let it overtake our lives. That’s why ‘Fearless’ is such a helpful book. Max Lucado addresses these fears while giving clear practical help in overcoming them. The end result is the real possibility of a life free of fear.

Fearless is full of real situations that I could relate to. There were phrases so well put that I wrote them down to remember them. The stories were told in a compelling way that gripped and engaged me.

Each chapter the author introduced a new type of fear and then led the reader through a Biblical passage that showed how we can respond to that fear. As a teacher Max Lucado has depth. As a story teller he paints pictures with vivid colour. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book and constantly felt God speaking and challenging me.

I would highly recommend this great book!    

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