Monday, March 22, 2010

Daily Journal Tuesday 23rd of March 2010

Jesus is the Truth

S - Jesus answered, "You say that I am king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me. John 18:37

O - Jesus came to testify to the truth. The truth is that Jesus is king. He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14":6). The very one Pilate was questioning, the very one who he would reluctantly hand over to be crucified, was the one, the only one who could save him! Jesus is the truth. In him is life. Those who believe in him are on the side of truth and are saved. (I notice here too a truth from Sunday's message. In this passage Jesus turns an ordinary conversation into a spiritual one).

A - Because Jesus is the truth, I must remember that it is not about rules, getting people to do this or that program, or anything else, but rather, to help people come to know Jesus. The desire and passion I must have, our church must have, is to know Jesus and make him known. To help them Thrive! in Christ. This week in conversations I have with people who don't know Jesus I will pray that I will have opportunities to help people understand more about him.

P - Thank-you God, for making it so clear and so simple. Jesus is the truth. Amen!

Daily Reading - John 18

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