Sunday, December 6, 2009

Daily Reading for Tuesday 8th December 2009


S - "But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God. Since that time he waits for his enemies to be made his footstool, because by one sacrifice, he has made perfect forever, those who are being made holy" Hebrews 10:12-14

O - We have been studying in our small group the book of Hebrews. The title is called, "From Shadow to Reality". The Law was the shadow of the fulfillment of Christ's death and sacrifice for the sins of man. No substitute such as the blood of goats or bulls could ever really appease a Holy and righteous God. The High Priest was unable, in reality, to take away the sins of the people through obeying the requirements of the law. That is why he had to repeat the offerings. Now Jesus, who is our Great High Priest, has come, and through the death of his body, he made the ultimate sacrifice, once and for all, and overcame sin. This victory, is victory indeed. Jesus has triumphed over His and our enemies, and in the process has made us perfect.
A - I can hardly imagine, believe, or be thankful enough, for this enormous gift from God. In daily life, how little we treat sin; intentional or unintentional. Yet God went to such enormous lengths to redeem that sin, through his Son, Jesus Christ. I need to be constantly aware of the cost and the sacrifice of this. This understanding should direct my behaviour, thoughts and attitudes, so that I endeavour to try to sin as little as possible.
P - Father, Help me to be more aware of the extent of your hatred for sin, and the enormous lengths you have gone to to combat sin, through Jesus. Help me to be aware of the incredible gift I have of redemption, and to walk in your ways. Amen.
Daily Readings Hebrews 9&10

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