Sunday, December 13, 2009

Daily Journal Reading for Monday 14th December 2009

S - "God is love. whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him" 1 John 4:16b
O - Love is, as we know, the greatest and most essential of all emotions and powers. Yet love is so confusing. In all of us, it seems, we have an innate ability to need love, and to give love. But here, the scriptures are clear, that "true love" can never be experienced apart from God. God is "love". True Love. And if we live a life of love, we cannot live it apart from God. God's essential nature and character is "love". Therefore, as we live a life of love, we live a life filled with the awareness of God. Even more, this awareness of God, becomes more intimate. As we love, we live in Him, and He in us. The two, love and God, are inseparable.
A - As I live on this earth, I know my greatest challenge is to truly love God and others as God intends me to. That is, willingly, sacrificially, and intentionally. Sometimes this is hard, as essentially I am selfish; but love and selfishness can never exist together. So, this scripture, encourages me to live more intentionally a life of love, in the awareness and knowledge that as I do, I am truly loving God. Love and God are inseparable.
P - Father, help me to be more loving and to be more aware of the need to deepen my love for you and others as I live a life of love. Thankyou that your essential nature is truly love. Amen.
Daily Reading 1 John Chapters 2-4

1 comment:


    S - This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. John 3:16

    O - Jesus' death was for us, for everyone, for the world. He laid down his own life. He suffered, he was mocked, he bore our sin and shame and God's punishment because he loved us and wanted us to know him. This is an example we should follow by loving others so much that we would go to extra-ordinary lengths to help them.

    A - How am I loving my brothers and sisters? By leading and guiding a great church where people can come and know about Jesus and begin a personal relationship with him, and am demonstrating my love. As I prepare messages and call and speak to people I will remember why I'm doing it. I love them and want to demonstrate my love and God's love just like he did for me.

    P - Father, thank-you for your love for me. Jesus, thank-you for willingly giving up, laying down your life for me. Help me remember today to receive your love and show that same kind of love to others. Amen.

    Daily Reading - 1 John 1-4
