Monday, November 23, 2009

Daily Journaling for Tuesday 24th of November 2009


S - You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26

O - Paul was reminding the Galatians who they were. They were already son and daughters of God. Not slaves but sons. Not those who must slavishly obey a harsh and demanding owner but those who have been adopted by a loving Father whose love is not based on works but on relationship. How did this happen? Simple - through faith in Christ! (see Rom 10:13 & John 1:12)

A - I have put my faith and trust in Jesus Christ. I therefore can agree with certainty that I am God's child - his son. I am accepted not by works but by a loving Father, through faith in Jesus Christ. I will today delight in knowing that I am loved. That this love is not dependent o my actions. I will give, serve, and obey my Father who loves, confident of his unconditional love and the relationship I have with him through faith.

P - Father, thank-you for the privilege of being your Son, of being able to call you "Abba," "Pappa," "Daddy." Thank-you for Jesus. Thank-you that through faith in him I am part of this new family - your beautiful bride - the Church - all one in Christ. Amen

Daily Reading - Galatians 3-4

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