After a welcome and opening prayer Pastor Jonathan Stark invited anyone who would like to share any thoughts or reflections to do so. Over the next hour many people shared about the way in which Galye had been used by God to touch many lives in our church. One shared of his marriage being strengthened through Gayle's preaching, a letter was read sent from Marg and John Docking in Uganda, and a number shared how Gayle's encouragement had helped them take a step up in their own ministry. Those who were on staff shared of the encouragement she was to serve on team with.
The Rev Dr Graeme and Maria Smith attended and Graeme reflected on the times from when Galye first came on to the staff and the way she has flourished since that time.
Senior Pastor Jonathan Stark shared about the great blessing Gayle and been to the church and the staff. He spoke about Gayle's many gifts and strengths and shared how he was sure that God will continue to use her greatly in the future.
Through all of this sharing Warren too was thanked and acknowledged as a strong support for Gayle in her ministry. Many acknowledged Warren's great work as a deacon, on the building committee and as a leader prayer ministry. His quiet strength was emphasised throughout the night.
Gayle and Warren responded with a speech thanking everyone. Warren expressed how much he loves to see Gayle doing what she loves and really felt that his ministry was to support her. Gayle said that they weren't sure what the future will hold but felt sure that God was leading them to Melbourne.
The church then presented Gayle and Warren with a gift which they had played a part in choosing. It was an antique unit that they will place in their home in Melbourne.
After this time of sharing and praying we enjoyed a big supper together which everyone who was able bringing a plate. It was a wonderful night.
Thanks to all who came and made this a special night for our church family. Gayle and Warren have been dearly loved and will be greatly missed!
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