Monday, July 12, 2010

Daily Journal for Tuesday 13th of July 2010

Get Out of the Boat!

S - "Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came towards Jesus. Matthew 14:29 TNIV

O - Yes! The Bible says Peter actually got out of the boat and walked on water! People don't normally do this type of thing. A miracle is occurring here. Water which is liquid holds up the weight of a person. For Peter to have actually got down out of the boat, would have taken great courage and, even more significantly, faith. There were many more who stayed in boat, yet Peter didn't. He experienced what was previously impossible. He walked on water. Interestingly Jesus in the next verses says to Peter, "You of little faith!" Peter had faith to get out of the boat but he took his eyes off Jesus. Faith comes from trusting and obeying Jesus even in the storm.

A - What steps is Jesus calling me to take right now? They may seem impossible. They may seem completely out of the ordinary. Today, I want to say, "Yes" to steps of faith, no matter how stormy it might be around me.

P - Father, there are many challenges I face at the moment. I need to keep looking to you with faith in the midst of this time of transition with new appointments, new programs, and new opportunities help me keep my eyes on you. Amen

Daily Reading - Matthew 14

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