Monday, January 31, 2011

Daily Journal for Tuesday 1st of February 2011

A Hearts Cry

S - "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.
Matthew 23:37

O - Jesus addressed Jerusalem. Perhaps he was referring to the religious leaders, perhaps the nation as a whole. He refers to them as those "who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you." God had sent many prophets to them but their response was murder! Yet Jesus loves Jerusalem. He longs to gather their children tenderly, to protect and care for them, just like a mother hen does with her chicks. But...they were not willing. What a sad response to a loving God.

A - Even those who should know better, those who see themselves as religious and 'right' can reject the very God they say that they know and do violence to his purposes. A hard heart, a know-all approach does not move us closer but further away. Like the older brother in the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15), we can think that because of our good we are owed something by God, we deserve something from him, we are entitled to demand from him, and speak harshly to others on his behalf.

As a follower of Jesus and as a pastor, I must be careful to be constantly coming under Jesus's loving care. He is my all. He is the one who I want to be nurtured by and led by. I break his heart when I do violence to his advances.

P - Thank-you God for reaching out to me. You initiated our relationship! You softened my heart. I will do all that I can to keep a soft, responsive heart that is being shaped and cared for by you. Amen.

Daily Readings Genesis 35 -36 & Matthew 23

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