Sunday, August 30, 2009

Daily Journaling for Monday 31st August 2009


S - "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel" - which means, "God with us."
Matthew 1:23

O - The words of this verse were written more than 700 before Christ was born, yet have such accuracy ! No-one had ever been born to a virgin yet Jesus was! He will be called 'Immanuel' - which means 'God with us' shows that this child was/is God. Jesus is unique. This verse proves it. He was both born of a virgin and God.
I also notice that "God with us" means his purpose was to come and have relationship with us, to know us, to live with us.

A - Jesus came to the world so that we could know him, so that we could be forgiven, so that we could see what God is like. Because he has revealed himself to me, I will seek to respond every day  by worshipping and following him. By reading my Bible, starting with Matthew today with my brothers and sisters in this church and sharing what we have each learnt about Jesus and what he's saying to us, I will put myself in the place of knowing and loving him more deeply.

P - Father, thank-you for sending Jesus - your unique one and only Son. As I rise early everyday to meet with you may I grow in love and knowledge of you Jesus. Amen

Daily Readings - Matthew 1-3


  1. Think this is where I post.
    S~Matt3:8 Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.
    O~Being fruitfull, Don't use works to get by. God talks about pharisees and Sadducees. Don't get tied up in legalistics or works. Being fruitfull is what shows growth as a Christian. Fruit is a sign of a healthy tree/plant. Repentance is part of that growth.
    A~My life is full of this bagage, I am doing so much but my roots are not always deep enough to produce fruit that is needed. Jesus needs to be priority #1 and all else will follow. Repent of my Business.
    P~Father help me to keep you #1 reading your word daily and seeking you in my decisions. Amen


    S – “because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit; he will save His people from their sins; and they will call him , Immanuel – which means, “God with us.” Matthew 1:20b;21b; 23

    O – It seems inconceivable that the God of the universe desires to be conceived within human beings (conceived within Mary, and now God is with us!). This is the greatest news and story ever told. No other philosophy, no other faith, no other religion has their God becoming so small, so intimate, so humbled, so emptied. God with us! God within us! He came to us in this way because He knew we would be lost without his closeness, his protection and freedom from the shocking and terrible bondage of sin. I have seen what this does in my life and other people’s lives and it is worse than death. His number one reason for coming was to save us from that terrible death. This is what it says here. God was conceived within Mary and by inference, and from other scriptures (Christ in us). we know we have a pathway to freedom and life abundant through confession of sins. Through His spirit living in us!

    A – I need to think more intentionally and appreciate more wondrously of how intimate God is - He is in me! And He has made a way for me to live – not bound down by sin. To live truly free in every moment because I can continue to confess my sins and know that He is in me! (Immanuel). I need to be a cleaner receptacle for His spirit like Mary. I need to walk more intentionally measuring my days in the knowledge that my Saviour, my God is ever present residing in me.

    P – Oh loving Jesus help me to have a more intimate ever present knowledge of your life within me. Help this body to become more and more a cleaner receptacle of your Holy Spirit I pray. Amen.

    Daily Readings - Matthew 1-3

  3. Matthew 2:10 Their joy knew no bounds!
    Father... knowing You son- who is Life, who is "God with us", who is our counsellor, guide, advocate, leader, teacher, friend- Creator... Savior!- May MY joy know no bounds!!! Your Kingdom lives within me (righteousness, peace and joy) but I can be so much more full of judgement and harshness at times- let this not continue to be so. With You ALL things are possible- so that means... even ME! Transform me Father, may my relationship with Jesus so envelope me, that I know beyond just my head- but also in my heart soul and spirit, that I have NO other need then to know You, to be loved- and to love. You have bought my life of misery into one that now holds hope and promise- You truely are a miracle working God! Please increase the faith You have placed within me and teach me how to practically and prayerfully help others. Because I know You- My Living Hope... May my joy, know no bounds!!!
