Thursday, January 27, 2011

Daily Journal for Friday 28th of January 2011

If You Believe

S - 'If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.' Matthew 21:22

O - Jesus says to his disciples, to his followers that if they have faith they could tell a mountain to go jump in the lake and it would! Then he adds, 'If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.' He wasn't asking us to pray for real mountains like Huon Hill to get up and move. He was speaking figuratively. Huge problems, overwhelming circumstances, impossible situations, God can change completely if we pray.

We should expect prayer to make a difference, a huge difference, when we face difficult circumstances. Why? Because of who God is. He is able to do anything. He can't do for people what is impossible for them to do. Nothing is too hard for God!

Believing in the God who is able is the key to prayers that move mountains. It's not the size of the problem that counts but the size of the faith in God who is able. And just a mustard seed is enough. We can't manipulate, dictate or get God to do what is not in his will but we can receive is power through believing prayer.

A - What are the mountains in my life? I have challenges and difficulties before me that need God's power. For up-coming meetings with people, for preaching on Sunday, for the people of this city I need these mountains moved. How much am I praying in faith that God would do what only he can do? I know more miraculous, amazing things would happen if I prayed more with greater faith. And I know that i'd pray more if I believed more.

- Father, I do believe. Increase my faith. Help me grow in faith and love and prayer so that I can see mountains moved in my life, in your church and in this city. Amen.

Daily Reading: Psalm 7-8 & Matthew 21:1-22

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