A Time Will Come
S - "I tell you for certain that the time will come, and it is already here, when all the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God. And those who listen to it will live!" John 5:25 NCV
O - Jesus tell us something that he says is true for certain. Those who are dead when they hear the voice of Jesus live! Those who are spiritually dead, who are dead in their sin, hear the good news and respond to Jesus' voice, they cross over from death to life. Jesus is also saying that a time will come when all the dead, everyone who has died will hear the voice of Jesus. People wonder about what lies beyond the grave and here is something that Jesus says we can be sure of. You will hear the voice of Jesus. Those have known him and put their faith in him will receive eternal life. Those who have rejected the Son and rejected God's love during their life will remain in a state of rejection for ever.
A - Today, respond to the voice of Jesus! In him is life, eternal life. As you hear his voice respond! And know that nothing can separate you from his love, not even death.
P - Thank you Father for sending your Son. You love is so clearly shown to me in sending him to take my sin and shame upon himself so I can be forgiven and have life. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for caring about my lost state and for sending you Son to save me. I will hear you voice as I have today, forever. Amen.
Daily Reading - John 5
O - Jesus tell us something that he says is true for certain. Those who are dead when they hear the voice of Jesus live! Those who are spiritually dead, who are dead in their sin, hear the good news and respond to Jesus' voice, they cross over from death to life. Jesus is also saying that a time will come when all the dead, everyone who has died will hear the voice of Jesus. People wonder about what lies beyond the grave and here is something that Jesus says we can be sure of. You will hear the voice of Jesus. Those have known him and put their faith in him will receive eternal life. Those who have rejected the Son and rejected God's love during their life will remain in a state of rejection for ever.
A - Today, respond to the voice of Jesus! In him is life, eternal life. As you hear his voice respond! And know that nothing can separate you from his love, not even death.
P - Thank you Father for sending your Son. You love is so clearly shown to me in sending him to take my sin and shame upon himself so I can be forgiven and have life. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for caring about my lost state and for sending you Son to save me. I will hear you voice as I have today, forever. Amen.
Daily Reading - John 5
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