Sunday, February 7, 2010

Daily Journal for Monday 8th of February 2010

Why Have You Forsaken Me?

S - And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?" (which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?). Mark 15:33

O - Jesus had been nailed to the cross at 9am and at 12 noon darkness came over the land. At 3pm he cried out in a loud voice just before he died. The pain of his cry shows the depth of what Jesus was experiencing. Not only was the pain excruciating, but the guilt, the shame, the dirt and filth of all the sin of the world on this sinless Son of God was overwhelming. The holy God could not look on the Son, Jesus expressed the pain of feeling that God had forsaken him, left him on his own. God the Father whom Jesus the Son was one with, felt so far away, God had turned his face away from the Son and now Jesus experienced the pain of being cut off. 

But what in fact was the hardest moments, were in fact what makes Jesus the Saviour of the world. God knew what Jesus was accomplishing and out of despair came forgiveness, reconciliation and everlasting life for all who would look to Jesus. 

A - Sometime I don't know why I experience the things in life that I do. Sometimes the suffering around me and in this world seems to make us wonder why God doesn't step in and change the circumstances. God can seem so distant. But he knows what is going on. He can take the most difficult, despairing circumstances and turn them into reasons for hope. I must remember that I see only part of the story and for the parts I don't see I will trust that God knows what is going on. Even when I feel forsaken, God has promised never to leave me.  I can trust he is in control. 

P - Father, help me live my life surrendered to you and your will. For times when I don't understand help me to remember that you know and you are with me even if I feel you are far away. Thank-you for Jesus death and resurrection and for the forgiveness, hope and new life it has brought to my life! Amen.

Daily Reading - Mark 15

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