Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Daily Journal for Wednesday 30th of June 2010


- The twenty-four elders and four living creatures fell down and worshipped God, who was seated on the throne. And they cried: "Amen, Hallelujah!" Revelation 19:4 (TNIV)

- The heavenly beings and angels, fell down and worshipped God. The vision that John sees points to the absolute majesty of God. If we could just glimpse this, just see this for a moment, we too would uncontrollably fall and worship. Hallelujah is derived from two words and means "Praise the Lord." Amen means firm, surely, trustworthy. The cries are saying, "This is definitely and surely true - praise be to the Lord!"

A - God is to be praised. If were just to get a glimpse I would fall down and worship. But I have read and understood that Jesus has come to earth, God in the flesh. As I have trusted and believed, the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit has filled me. I know for certain that God is my Lord and is to be praised. Therefore, today, though I have not seen God on his throne in all his majesty, I will worship him with all that I am knowing that he has saved me, lives in me by his Spirit and that one day I will fall before him in eternity.

I also am reminded that I am made in his image. God has made me a little lower than the angels, and crowned me with glory and honour. I too will one day be given a new heavenly body.  Today I will treat people with honour and value knowing that each is made in God's image and one day, through faith in Christ, they might be a being that in their eternal heavenly form I would be tempted to worship, such will be their splendour.

- Father, Hallelujah! Praise be to you the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. Amen and Amen!

Daily Reading - Revelation 19-20  

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