A Dream Comes True
S - When Joseph came home, they presented to him the gifts they had brought into the house, and they bowed down before hime to the ground. Genesis 43:26
O - Joseph had had a dreamed that his brothers would one day bow down to him. When he shared it they hated him. So much so that they sold him. When Joseph was thrown into prison for a crime that he didn't commit he must have felt like the dream God had revealled to him would never happen. He could have easily given up, lost hope, turned away. But he didn't. When asked to interpret Pharaoh's dream he didn't take the credit. He told Pharaoh that God would interpret his dream. He tursted in God to lead Egypt as Pharaoh increased his position of authority.
Here in this verse, as his brothers bowed down, right to the ground, Joseph must have realised that it was God who had shown him the dream and it was God who had fulfilled the dream. What a moment for Joseph. He must have deeply known at this point the faithfulness of God.
A - I haven't had any dreams of fat things being eaten by skinny things or any dreams at all that I have felt God trying to reveal to me his plans for the future. But I do know that whether by dream or by his Word or his Spirit's promtings God can be trusted. What he says he will do!
Jesus said, "I will build my church." I know I have felt God clearly call me to be serving him as a pastor. He has shown me this in many clear ways. Now I must continue to be faithful, obeying and seeking his will as I serve him and his people here in Albury/Wodonga. I long to see Jesus build his church. I will trust as he fulfills his promises.
P - Father, I thank you for the longings you have placed in my heart. Thanks for the signs that this year you may be up to a really great time of growth. I pray for our team of leaders and our church. We look to you. I trust in you. I will obey! Amen.
Bible Reading - Genesis 43 & Matt 28
O - Joseph had had a dreamed that his brothers would one day bow down to him. When he shared it they hated him. So much so that they sold him. When Joseph was thrown into prison for a crime that he didn't commit he must have felt like the dream God had revealled to him would never happen. He could have easily given up, lost hope, turned away. But he didn't. When asked to interpret Pharaoh's dream he didn't take the credit. He told Pharaoh that God would interpret his dream. He tursted in God to lead Egypt as Pharaoh increased his position of authority.
Here in this verse, as his brothers bowed down, right to the ground, Joseph must have realised that it was God who had shown him the dream and it was God who had fulfilled the dream. What a moment for Joseph. He must have deeply known at this point the faithfulness of God.
A - I haven't had any dreams of fat things being eaten by skinny things or any dreams at all that I have felt God trying to reveal to me his plans for the future. But I do know that whether by dream or by his Word or his Spirit's promtings God can be trusted. What he says he will do!
Jesus said, "I will build my church." I know I have felt God clearly call me to be serving him as a pastor. He has shown me this in many clear ways. Now I must continue to be faithful, obeying and seeking his will as I serve him and his people here in Albury/Wodonga. I long to see Jesus build his church. I will trust as he fulfills his promises.
P - Father, I thank you for the longings you have placed in my heart. Thanks for the signs that this year you may be up to a really great time of growth. I pray for our team of leaders and our church. We look to you. I trust in you. I will obey! Amen.
Bible Reading - Genesis 43 & Matt 28