Hearing from Angels
S - "Last night an angel of the God whose I am and whom I serve stood beside me and said, "Don't be afraid Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar, and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you." Acts 27:23-24
O - An angel spoke to Paul. It might have been in a dream, a vision or just plain straight out appeared. The angel was from God and spoke clear, strong words of assurance, "Don't be afraid Paul." The angel knew Paul's name, knew his situation, knew Caesar's name, knew that the lives of the people on the boat were in danger.
A - God knows us. He knows me and my situation, the dangers I face, the things that concern me. What an encouragement this must have been to Paul. That God would reassure him by sending an angel must have given him great confidence. Sometimes God has sent people who have encouraged me with a word from God. Sometimes a letter, a book, a point a preacher has made, God has used to encourage me. Sometimes I have read a verse and had a strong impression that I have known was God speaking. It encourages me to know that God knows and when he feels necessary he can speak directly to me. Most of the time I just need to do what he's already told me to do in his word, the Bible.
P - Father, today I am reminded how you speak and guide. Speak Lord to me today. Let me hear and respond to your promptings and to obey your word each and everyday. Amen.
Daily Reading - Acts 27
O - An angel spoke to Paul. It might have been in a dream, a vision or just plain straight out appeared. The angel was from God and spoke clear, strong words of assurance, "Don't be afraid Paul." The angel knew Paul's name, knew his situation, knew Caesar's name, knew that the lives of the people on the boat were in danger.
A - God knows us. He knows me and my situation, the dangers I face, the things that concern me. What an encouragement this must have been to Paul. That God would reassure him by sending an angel must have given him great confidence. Sometimes God has sent people who have encouraged me with a word from God. Sometimes a letter, a book, a point a preacher has made, God has used to encourage me. Sometimes I have read a verse and had a strong impression that I have known was God speaking. It encourages me to know that God knows and when he feels necessary he can speak directly to me. Most of the time I just need to do what he's already told me to do in his word, the Bible.
P - Father, today I am reminded how you speak and guide. Speak Lord to me today. Let me hear and respond to your promptings and to obey your word each and everyday. Amen.
Daily Reading - Acts 27