Monday, August 31, 2009

Daily Journaling for Tuesday 1st of September


S - "Come follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

O - Jesus came to ordinary workers and he asked them to follow him, not to sign a card or pray a prayer or even become a member, but to follow him. To follow Jesus is what it means to be a disciple. Nothing more, nothing less. If I go to church but I don't follow Jesus I'm not his disciple! Why? Disciples follow Jesus. They would obey him and do what he said but also they would be with him, observe him, listen to him, laugh with him, enjoy being in his presence.

Notice also that Jesus said he would make them fishers of men. I didn't start following Jesus so that I could catch men. I wanted forgiveness and to avoid hell. But what Jesus wants to "make me," to teach me and help me become, is what he wants for all of his followers - to be made into fishers of people. I'm to catch people! He'll teach me but I'm to catch people!

A - As I follow you Jesus, as I spend time will you, I must ask, "Am I becoming more and more one who fishes for people?" Am I responding to you as you make me into this kind of person? You promised you would make me this. Today I will pray for those around me with the knowledge that the reason you asked me to follow you is so that you could make me a fisher of people.

P - Father, I pray for those I know who don't know you. Help me become more and more the person you call me to be as I seek to catch fish. Amen.

Daily Reading - Matthew 4-5

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Daily Journaling for Monday 31st August 2009


S - "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel" - which means, "God with us."
Matthew 1:23

O - The words of this verse were written more than 700 before Christ was born, yet have such accuracy ! No-one had ever been born to a virgin yet Jesus was! He will be called 'Immanuel' - which means 'God with us' shows that this child was/is God. Jesus is unique. This verse proves it. He was both born of a virgin and God.
I also notice that "God with us" means his purpose was to come and have relationship with us, to know us, to live with us.

A - Jesus came to the world so that we could know him, so that we could be forgiven, so that we could see what God is like. Because he has revealed himself to me, I will seek to respond every day  by worshipping and following him. By reading my Bible, starting with Matthew today with my brothers and sisters in this church and sharing what we have each learnt about Jesus and what he's saying to us, I will put myself in the place of knowing and loving him more deeply.

P - Father, thank-you for sending Jesus - your unique one and only Son. As I rise early everyday to meet with you may I grow in love and knowledge of you Jesus. Amen

Daily Readings - Matthew 1-3

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Divine Mentor

On Monday 31st of August the people of the Wodonga District Baptist Church are beginning to spend time together being mentored by God through the pages of the Bible. Each morning we will gather at 6.30am to read together in silence for 20 mins, to journal using SOAP for 20 mins, and to share with each other what we have heard God saying to us.

We will use the following Bible reading plan starting at the beginning of the New Testament...

Mon 31st of August - Matthew 1-3
Tue 1st of September - Matthew 4-5
Wed 2nd of September - Matthew 6-7
Thu 3rd of September - Matthew 8-9
Fri 4th of September - Matthew 10-11

People will be invited to continue this habit each day on their own or with others in groups wherever suits.
The SOAP method is explained in Wayne Cordeiro's book "The Divine Mentor" an is simple reading the daily readings asking God to speak to you through a verse. After completing the reading write an "S" and write the verse out in full. Then write an "O" and make observations about the verse. What's happening in the verse? What's God saying? Then write an "A" and write out an application to your life. What will you do as a result of what you have read and observed? Then write a "P" and write out your prayer to God. Examples of daily SOAP readings can be found by clicking on the link "Pastor's blog on the right hand side of the page.
God wants to mentor you through the pages of Scripture so join in, follow the blog and post your daily journal entries in the comments section each day.
Come with a prayerful open heart and let's what God might do in and through us!