S - "Come follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
O - Jesus came to ordinary workers and he asked them to follow him, not to sign a card or pray a prayer or even become a member, but to follow him. To follow Jesus is what it means to be a disciple. Nothing more, nothing less. If I go to church but I don't follow Jesus I'm not his disciple! Why? Disciples follow Jesus. They would obey him and do what he said but also they would be with him, observe him, listen to him, laugh with him, enjoy being in his presence.
Notice also that Jesus said he would make them fishers of men. I didn't start following Jesus so that I could catch men. I wanted forgiveness and to avoid hell. But what Jesus wants to "make me," to teach me and help me become, is what he wants for all of his followers - to be made into fishers of people. I'm to catch people! He'll teach me but I'm to catch people!
A - As I follow you Jesus, as I spend time will you, I must ask, "Am I becoming more and more one who fishes for people?" Am I responding to you as you make me into this kind of person? You promised you would make me this. Today I will pray for those around me with the knowledge that the reason you asked me to follow you is so that you could make me a fisher of people.
P - Father, I pray for those I know who don't know you. Help me become more and more the person you call me to be as I seek to catch fish. Amen.
Daily Reading - Matthew 4-5